Hey lovely,

I think when deciding who to guide you on your journey, it’s good to know the face behind the brand so you can decide whether you think we’d be a good fit.

I believe my purpose in this life is to nurture and build other women, help them to heal from challenges and setbacks, rising up feeling calm, confident and ready to take up more space.

I believe that every woman deserves to feel confident being her true authentic self, to feel confident in the work she does and build a life based on her own definition of success.

My Personal Story …

It all started with my own journey as I was approaching my 40’s that I realised how unhappy I was

I had what appeared to be a successful career in corporate HR yet I felt like I was climbing the wrong ladder. I also felt far from successful and most days felt completely out of my depth, waiting to be found out

So I masked my insecurities by overcompensating, overworking and people-pleasing to prove my worth

My escape was living for the weekends to be spent partying in bars or clubs and holidays chasing adventure, constantly living for the future whilst the present was passing me by

The stress of my demanding career, my self-doubt and my lack of self-care finally caught up on me and it started to affect my health

But one day I realised that if I wanted things to be different, then I needed to be different. I had to take responsibility for my life

I started to work on the most important project of my life and that was working on changing my inner world, taking myself on a journey of self discovery, become more self aware and tackling those beliefs that were holding me back

Instead of investing my money in partying, clothes and other things to numb me, I started invest me money in hiring coaches, holistic therapies and personal development that would completely change my mindset and health

That led me to set up my own business 8 years ago and I’ve been helping other women overcome Imposter Syndrome as well as educating teams in the workplace which has been the most rewarding work of my career

However in 2021 I had a setback

I discovered I had adrenal fatigue and I discovered it was unresolved emotional trauma that had caused it

I embarked on a new journey of healing my body from trauma which I now help others to do too

I now live a life where I’m in love with who I am, I love the work that I do and the incredible clients that I get to work with

I’ve built a life based on my own definition of success and that feels good for the soul

If it’s possible for me, I believe it’s possible for you. I also believe …

  • I believe everyone deserves to be confident in who they are, in what they do and to create a career and life they love

  • I believe in every setback there's an opportunity to learn, grow and rise up stronger

  • I believe we all have the opportunity to heal from physical illness through emotional healing

  • I believe it's never too late to create a career, a love or a life you desire

  • I believe we don't need to follow the status quo and we can create a life based on our own rules and definition of success

  • I believe the world would be a much better place with more women using their unique feminine energy

  • I believe every woman should be able to stand in her power, own her worth and never have to shrink or change to fit in

  • I believe to rise up and be the best version of ourselves we have to let go of old patterns and conditioning that no longer serve us 

It all begins with a decision to take responsibility, so are you ready?